Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wildschwein (Boar) Hunt Germany

Erhard Thoma took me on a wild pig hunt in Germany. Wild Pig hunting in Germany is interesting. They hunt with dogs and "beaters" driving the wild boar to hunters positioned in high mounted stands.

Here a Roebuck not in season jumps across the road running from the dogs.

The dogs are Fox Terriers, smaller the better is seems. The Boars do not run so fast from them and are flushed out of hiding by both the beaters and the dogs.

Once the hunter has killed a Fox or a Boar then these are laid out on a bed of evergreen with four burning posts around them. The hunters line up to the West, the hunting master to the North and the hunting horn players to the East.

The hunters who have killed the game get a sprig of evergreen to proudly wear in their hats, the others tip their hats to them. The hunting horns play tunes that go back 1000 years.

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